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Thread: E-Bullying.

  1. #1
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    Default E-Bullying.

    Schools are being given guidance urging them to take firm action against pupils who use mobile phones and the internet to bully other children and teachers.


    "We're going to get you tomorrow, you look like an ugly ****.
    "There's no point in you wearing make-up because you look like a clown.
    "You ****, no-one is going to touch you because you're a lesbian. You are a **** and you look like one. You need to get some friends because you have none."

    (it appears theese text messages have been turned into real sentences, but they are still hard to follow)


    What do you think?
    there is currently more talk of a higher level of mointioring and restriction in county council schools (internet sites would all be blocked, except select ones a teacher or administrator would unblock for the session) , as well as all emails being screened sent within school (most schools and colleges already use filters to pick up racism)

    I was bullied from when i first went to school, everyone is. which did follow up until secondary school... which still does leave me wondering if people are going to hit me when they wave their arms near me, and my normal walking posture is to have one hand in a fist next to me just incase...

    I'm now at college and by the deffintion of being bullied, i am, but i dont see that i am its just a joke between friends.

    theese children are getting told they are ugly, sworn at, and getting threatened to get beaten up ... but doesn't every kid get something like that while growing up (except the bullies out there ) hell i was once attacked from behind by a fellow student 2 years ago he hits me over the back and shoulders with a metal chairleg he had snapped off a chair (sadly he was aiming for my head and being the idiot he was, missed)

    I'm all for Anti - E-bullying compaigns but as it goes if you have a mobile in school, it'll get taken, the talking of forcing sites like myspace to ban individuals from posting there dislike for someone by the British goverment education department and what are myspace meant to say? , No, we won't let you remove a case of "E-bullying" ...

    On the plus side, what can we do to aid victims who recieve text messages threatening them..... who recieve emails with insults and everyday lives are made hell..

    What can we do?
    what do you think?
    are you as school pupils or as students loosing more and more freedoms everyday?
    Last edited by Lycan; 24-09-2007 at 08:14 PM.

  2. #2
    WarezKid Guest


    I argee with some parts and some not

    With MSN, bebo myspace, why cant they just blocked them and report to teacher

    Mobiles phones, just ring o2 or w.e and make a trace on it ^^

    Through i'm in the school council it would be a good idea to discuss about this ;D

  3. #3
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    in College today our lecteur told us to turn our phones off... technically they have no real right to do this, and when a student was rung by there parrents they were kicked out anyway!

    In theory the abussive messages left on this forum for other users... and they do happen, we see them appear in the spam section with the users name as the title.... so bullying by deffintion is everywhere

  4. #4
    WarezKid Guest


    I Argee, but you can ingore them (sorry for spellings)

    Why cant they do that, and plus about the mobiles, i not sure about that tbh, as i'm only 13 and i havent been to college yet.

    I guess they should be tougher laws on cyber bullying

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lazer-man View Post
    I Argee, but you can ingore them (sorry for spellings)

    Why cant they do that, and plus about the mobiles, i not sure about that tbh, as i'm only 13 and i havent been to college yet.

    I guess they should be tougher laws on cyber bullying
    School teachers are also now at the subject of such bullying...

    as you say your spelling, you could see when people make fun of the fact you can't spell every single word on an online forum bullying!

  6. #6
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    There's a difference between using the internet to threaten someone you know offline and just making fun of someone you don't know online. They seem to have classed e-bullying as using a phone or internet to get at someone from your school, which isn't (as far as I know) much of a problem really. The kids neeky enough to care when they get e-bullied are usually people that no-one knows offline anyway.
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  7. #7
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    The main defense over e-bullying is that it was someone else using someone elses account to bully... therefore the person who sent it can't be caught..

  8. #8
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    Well.. they could?

    Trace their IP if things get really serious.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pl0x. View Post
    Well.. they could?

    Trace their IP if things get really serious.

    But the same excuse continues, the person at the other end can say "Wasn't me, was some random person who used my computer or a friend" and theres no real evidence to say it was them, just it came from that network the computers on, or that phone the person owns.

  10. #10
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    I'd just bully them back. If they attacked you irl you could just get them done for it.

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