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  1. #41
    -:Undertaker:-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hungryfront View Post
    My heart goes out to all the families.

    It's difficult to combat this type of thing as we don't know who they are.

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    But we do know who many of them are. They're muslims following a minority form of Islam but of which a sizable portion follow and many of them in the hundreds to the thousands across this country are being watched by security services. The problem is, as the numbers of that demographic increase, security services cannot possibly monitor 24/7. This is already the case in France and Belgium where security services now cannot cope due to the numbers of them in the country, it is only because our security is better that we haven't had more attacks.

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    22 years old, what kind of person is so full of hate at that age that they feel the need to go and murder people in their own home town. Disgusting and also very sad
    Radical Islam? What was being taught and preached in the caves of Afghanistan and deserts of Saudi Arabia is now being preached in British mosques, Islamic schools and in the prison system. We've been culturally 'enriched'.

    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    **** EVERYTHING. **** kids man. Children at a concert. Been feeling just so awful reading and watching all the news all day. **** terrorists and **** people who think it's fine to blow up children. Not gonna stop us though is it cos we're better than that.
    But it is already stopping us. It's stopped those people who are now dead. It's resulting in airport security to go to simple events like a concert, catching the tube or a football match. It's resulting in an atmosphere where you can no longer criticise a certain religion as new blasphemy laws are being brought in. Where comedians are afraid to mock a religion because of the death threats they then receive as a result. It's resulted in the military being deployed on our streets.

    It's all very well saying they're not winning but they are. And they know it.

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  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    But we do know who many of them are. They're muslims following a minority form of Islam but of which a sizable portion follow and many of them in the hundreds to the thousands across this country are being watched by security services. The problem is, as the numbers of that demographic increase, security services cannot possibly monitor 24/7. This is already the case in France and Belgium where security services now cannot cope due to the numbers of them in the country, it is only because our security is better that we haven't had more attacks.

    Radical Islam? What was being taught and preached in the caves of Afghanistan and deserts of Saudi Arabia is now being preached in British mosques, Islamic schools and in the prison system. We've been culturally 'enriched'.

    But it is already stopping us. It's stopped those people who are now dead. It's resulting in airport security to go to simple events like a concert, catching the tube or a football match. It's resulting in an atmosphere where you can no longer criticise a certain religion as new blasphemy laws are being brought in. Where comedians are afraid to mock a religion because of the death threats they then receive as a result. It's resulted in the military being deployed on our streets.

    It's all very well saying they're not winning but they are. And they know it.

    HAS THE UK SHUT DOWN? HAVE WE ALL GONE HOME IN FEAR? NO. Thousands of people were LITERALLY OUT IN THE TOWN SQUARE. That's being **** defiant in the face of these *****. So **** off saying they've won. It hasn't stopped the British people - the Parisian people - LGBT people (Manchester; Bataclan; Pulse just three examples).

    They won't stop. This war will go on for years and years and noone has any clue how it's going to bloody end but they have not and will not win against the strength of us pulling together in solidarity.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post

    HAS THE UK SHUT DOWN? HAVE WE ALL GONE HOME IN FEAR? NO. Thousands of people were LITERALLY OUT IN THE TOWN SQUARE. That's being **** defiant in the face of these *****. So **** off saying they've won. It hasn't stopped the British people - the Parisian people - LGBT people (Manchester; Bataclan; Pulse just three examples).

    They won't stop. This war will go on for years and years and noone has any clue how it's going to bloody end but they have not and will not win against the strength of us pulling together in solidarity.
    Thousands of people in a square reading poems and crying. That'll show people who are waging a holy war.

    Rinse, repeat at the next attack. And the next attack. And the next...

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  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    Thousands of people in a square reading poems and crying. That'll show people who are waging a holy war.

    Rinse, repeat at the next attack. And the next attack. And the next...
    whatever the **** they're doing they're not cowering in fear in their houses are they they are gathering in solidarity to each other- thousands of upset people COMFORTING EACH OTHER

    i know you think it's weak and disgusting for people to cry and feel upset but us non-lizard people find it pretty comforting
    Last edited by lawrawrrr; 23-05-2017 at 09:38 PM.

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  5. #45
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    So what's your plan Dan, kill everyone whose skin is in a certain range of brown tones? You're the weakest person here because you've given in to the terror and let them win - over you. Not over the country, not over civilisation, just over you
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  6. #46
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    I read before that the attacker was born to two Libyan refugees.

    How wonderful, that's really benefitted our nation. Thanks 'Sir' John Major for that enrichment we couldn't live without.

    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr View Post
    whatever the **** they're doing they're not cowering in fear in their houses are they they are gathering in solidarity to each other- thousands of upset people COMFORTING EACH OTHER

    i know you think it's weak and disgusting for people to cry and feel upset but us non-lizard people feel it pretty comforting
    Yes but that doesn't mean we're winning.

    The very fact we're having to comfort each other every few months now shows the acceleration in attacks. Our response? More crying, more poems and more candles. Total non-action that means absolutely nothing to jihadists hellbent on waging a holy war. Utterly pathetic. If you read Jihadist literature and beliefs they even state amongst themselves that they believe we're weak, and increasingly we're more than willing to show them just how weak we are.

    How about instead of tears, candles and cards we start responding with missiles, military action, anti-extremism and deportations?

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus
    So what's your plan Dan, kill everyone whose skin is in a certain range of brown tones? You're the weakest person here because you've given in to the terror and let them win - over you. Not over the country, not over civilisation, just over you
    Using the race card to justify non-action against radical Islam, utter cowardice.

    You'll be on your knees telling me you'll never let them win. I would prefer to go down fighting.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 23-05-2017 at 09:46 PM.

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  7. #47
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    poeple need to stop jumping on this bandwagon yea its sad that all those people died but what can u do? what r u gonna do? go to manchester and pay ur respects? go on then love would love to see u do that? make sure u attach ur evidence of doing so... oh and for the record why dont u record urself putting a bunch of flowers down at the memorial too while u squeeze out those crocodile tears for rts?

  8. #48
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    I'm not the one who brought up the race card lol what the actual **** are you on about and if you want to go down fighting then go fight, don't sit in your cosy home telling us all to be worried about everyone who doesn't look like us. Again, what's your plan
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  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by -:Undertaker:- View Post
    I read before that the attacker was born to two Libyan refugees.

    How wonderful, that's really benefitted our nation. Thanks 'Sir' John Major for that enrichment we couldn't live without.

    Yes but that doesn't mean we're winning.

    The very fact we're having to comfort each other every few months now shows the acceleration in attacks. Our response? More crying, more poems and more candles. Total non-action that means absolutely nothing to jihadists hellbent on waging a holy war. Utterly pathetic. If you read Jihadist literature and beliefs they even state amongst themselves that they believe we're weak, and increasingly we're more than willing to show them just how weak we are.

    How about instead of tears, candles and cards we start responding with missiles, military action, anti-extremism and deportations?
    Yes but that doesn't mean they're winning. Noone's winning here. Just because the community - who CAN'T ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING OF USE -are supporting each other, why the **** does that mean that NOONES doing anything? The government and security services are doing everything they can to prevent terrorist attacks, watching so many people and they thwart SO MANY attempts - a few just slip through and their first attempt is successful.

    Yeah I'm so amazed that jihadists call us weak that tends to be what people waging a war tend to do to their enemies. But we're not weak, we're banding together and showing support, not running away and throwing people out there by themselves to defend themselves. We are a BRITISH PEOPLE, not millions of individuals. A group, a united group, supporting each other is so much stronger than millions of individuals. And if ISIS think they can break that spirit, then no matter what people like YOU think, they're **** as wrong as wrong can be.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by myles View Post
    poeple need to stop jumping on this bandwagon yea its sad that all those people died but what can u do? what r u gonna do? go to manchester and pay ur respects? go on then love would love to see u do that? make sure u attach ur evidence of doing so... oh and for the record why dont u record urself putting a bunch of flowers down at the memorial too while u squeeze out those crocodile tears for rts?
    oh how dare i actually be sympathetic to people who have lost children and friends and family and genuinely feel sad that an 8 yr old was KILLED

    if you don't feel sad then there's something wrong with you.

    and yeah this actually affects everyone you know? the entire UK terror threat is at critical and I work METRES from the 7/7 bombings so yes, I'm bloody terrified of what might happen tomorrow

    so no. it's not a **** hashtag it's not a **** bandwagon its genuine human sympathy

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingJesus View Post
    I'm not the one who brought up the race card lol what the actual **** are you on about and if you want to go down fighting then go fight, don't sit in your cosy home telling us all to be worried about everyone who doesn't look like us. Again, what's your plan
    I just spelt out the plan.

    Military action against this state given it has clearly declared war against us. Secondly, no more cowering to Islam in public life. No more protection in law for this religion from criticism or mockery. Close the Islamic schools down. Insert undercover state security into mosques. Ban the burqa. Severely restrict immigration from Islamic countries, with total bans on nations such as Syria, Libya, Iraq and other Wahabbi Islam hotbeds. Begin mass arrests and deportations of those under watch. Mass raids to take place in muslim areas.

    Or we could just have a cry and wait like sitting ducks until the next one.

    Quote Originally Posted by lawrawrrr
    Yes but that doesn't mean they're winning. Noone's winning here. Just because the community - who CAN'T ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING OF USE -are supporting each other, why the **** does that mean that NOONES doing anything? The government and security services are doing everything they can to prevent terrorist attacks, watching so many people and they thwart SO MANY attempts - a few just slip through and their first attempt is successful.

    Yeah I'm so amazed that jihadists call us weak that tends to be what people waging a war tend to do to their enemies. But we're not weak, we're banding together and showing support, not running away and throwing people out there by themselves to defend themselves. We are a BRITISH PEOPLE, not millions of individuals. A group, a united group, supporting each other is so much stronger than millions of individuals. And if ISIS think they can break that spirit, then no matter what people like YOU think, they're **** as wrong as wrong can be.
    All just meaningless words i'm afraid that will be forgotten in a week and then revived at the next attack.

    I'm as patriotic as can be but I am not deluding myself. You're facing people here who believe in the end of the world via a holy war. Clutching teddy bears, crying and saying you have spirit only confirms their belief that Allah is on their side and the conquest of the world by Islam is a matter of time. And given the reaction of the west in recent years to it all, they're on to something.

    Tears and public poems didn't beat the Nazis - bombs, fighting and standing up for our civilisation via action did.
    Last edited by -:Undertaker:-; 23-05-2017 at 09:58 PM.

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