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Results 1 to 8 of 8
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Apocolypse - Drayton Manor

    omg has anyone bin on apocolypse at drayton manor?! - hope i'm spelling that rite! It's well scary wen ur at the top and ur jus waitin for it to drop! wen it goes down its like all ur insides drop and u jus see air going past ya! my legs went wobbly for ten minz after! lol!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

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    Scary? Hah!

    It's a thrill it's bloody awsome... You just wait there... and it seems you stop and the camera comes down but it's you getting higher... You try to smile but you count to 3 in your head and the camera just takes it before you fall so theres no point smiling....

    Then it feels like your going to bloody die and when you reach the bottom with no floor... ouch (boys only ).

    Anyway it's nearly the best ride that exists... Lol...

  3. #3

    Default reply

    i was only lil wen i went on it and i watch ppl on it now and i'm like OMG how did i eva go on tht?! It is really gd tho! its the waitin at the top bit i h8 coz u know ur gonna fall and ur jus waitin
    i woz half way thru swallowin or summin and it went down and i screamed my head off! i woz only holdin onto one of the bars!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

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    Quote Originally Posted by Designer-Loz
    i was only lil wen i went on it and i watch ppl on it now and i'm like OMG how did i eva go on tht?! It is really gd tho! its the waitin at the top bit i h8 coz u know ur gonna fall and ur jus waitin
    i woz half way thru swallowin or summin and it went down and i screamed my head off! i woz only holdin onto one of the bars!
    Prepare yourself when I first went on; I knew you were there for about 3 seconds.

    We stopped and I went 1, 2, and we should go....

    And because my mouth was open I was screaming all the way down... I couldn't shut my mouth

  5. #5

    Default shockwave and stormforce 10

    anyone eva bin on shockwave? the first time i went, my m8z told me bowt it and i woz like ye sure i'll go on it. got there and i woz watchin da ppl on it and i woz like OMG. i went into the que and then changed meh mind and went on storm force ten instead! storm force ten iz meh fav. ride and i'm sure they sped it up this year coz i went on it and wen it woz going backwards and stuff it felt more... scary! it's proper fun tho. i can't look wen u go down the big fing tho coz if i do it makes me wanna get off!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Y shud i tell u ?

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    not scary
    its baaaad
    i lost a shoe on it once and it took a while to get it back so no one else cud ride cuz it fell in that little ditch beneath it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2004

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    Quote Originally Posted by Designer-Loz
    anyone eva bin on shockwave? the first time i went, my m8z told me bowt it and i woz like ye sure i'll go on it. got there and i woz watchin da ppl on it and i woz like OMG. i went into the que and then changed meh mind and went on storm force ten instead! storm force ten iz meh fav. ride and i'm sure they sped it up this year coz i went on it and wen it woz going backwards and stuff it felt more... scary! it's proper fun tho. i can't look wen u go down the big fing tho coz if i do it makes me wanna get off!
    Shockwave is ok; repainting tracks I think or something.

    I still prefer Maelstrom


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Flagstaff, Arizona, US.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kardan
    Shockwave is ok; repainting tracks I think or something.

    I still prefer Maelstrom

    its ok
    I was on it when I was too small for it, so it was quite scary
    They've been repainting it for about 10 years now [well seems like it ]
    Half the track is blue and the other half is still grey

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