Ok. TONS of my friends have this sort of thing happening. For some reason, when I go to rooms with passwords or if I click on those catagories on those guest rooms I get errored, but this doesn't happen when I simply search room on the navigator. I've asked the tech team why that happens and then they send me stuff about spywares and stuff (Which I already know but thanks for the reply). But then I still get the errors.

And then I sent them a reply that I scanned my computer for spyware but it didnt work but then weeks later I got no reply. I changed my language to English (US) and the font was fixed but not the disconnection.

Back on Habbo UK, they're one of worst feedback team, according to me. People send them feedbacks and complaints and years later they get no reply.

What the heck.

Some people even stated that they are to sue Sulake and demand their money back, and this is quite a reasonable decision to sue Sulake.

When I went on to Habbo UK to play Version 7 and other versions on other Habbo Hotels, when I visited those guest rooms they worked perfectly fine and I seldomly get errors.

ARG . Why do I get this? Any suggestions? Graphics card (because my computer might not be in support with the required ones)? What else? Spywares? Viruses? Please send in your comments. Thanks