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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Post Tsunami - Find out how you can do your bit to help

    The Boxing day 04 Tsunami in Asia killed many of hundreds of thousands of innocent people just like you and me. They would have been doing normal things like us, many were from overseas and enjoying a relaxing festive break with the family. Then disaster struck, and millions of lives were torn apart. Parents helpless, having to let their children go, as the gigantic wave swept away everything they have.

    Now in these areas, once a big tourist destination, there is the hard task of recovering bodies and rebuilding the damaged buildings. Theres thousands of people who survived, but many are living a life of poverty and fighting disease. Its possible that the toll of those who died in the weeks after the tsunami due to disease could rise to be over the figure of those who died in the actual tsunami. Thats why you need to do something about it NOW!

    Just a small donation can help little children get medication, or counselling for the terrible things that people have witnessed. By the way I'm NOT asking you to donate furni on habbo. (some sick people have made donate rooms, but all they will do is keep the furni for themselves) Im asking you to donate to whatever fund your country has set up to aid those affected.

    While you are probably sat at home on a computer, there are starving people who have nothing but the clothes they were wearing when it struck. Kids may have lost their parents and family members, and have nowhere to go. People will be franticly looking for their friends and family, but as time passes identifiying bodies becomes much more difficult.

    Im sure that someone you know will have been affected, or maybe even you personally. Think how you would feel if you had been left with nothing, your home, family and personal belongings swept away.
    Businesses wrecked, a whole industry crashing down. The tourism industry was once a big source of the income, but nobody really wants a holiday where such terror struck.

    YOUR help is needed NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    These are the ways you can do it in the UK


    -Telephone, open 24 hours a day, use your credit/debit card. Call 08706060900

    -In person, you should be able to make a donation at any high street bank or post office

    -Donate by cheque, make cheques payable to the DEC Tsunami Earthquake Appeal and send to PO Box 999, London

    You can rest assured that your donations will be put to good use. Im sure that most countries will have a method of public donation. DO YOUR BIT TODAY!!!!!!!

    Warning- Habbox is not responsible if this is a scam. Be careful as many charities are scams- Butcher11
    Last edited by Calzeh; 17-01-2005 at 07:23 PM.
    I'm defying gravity.

    I'm now at university in Worcester. I'm not around on here much, but PM/e-mail me if you wish.

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