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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Stuff you can expect to hear..

    Here's a small list of things you're gonna be hearing when you come out. Don't worry. It's not as bad as people make out. haha

    -"How long have you been gay?"
    -"So who do you like?"
    -"Do you have a boyfriend?"
    -"Nuh-uh! Shut up! You're kidding!"
    (Or some variation)
    -"That's cool, I have a gay (insert family member like uncle or cousin)"
    -"So you like boys?" (Respond with: "That's kind of what gay means...")
    -"REALLY!? So what do you think of (insert name of fairly attractive friend of the same gender as you)?" (If you are presented with this kind of situation, I advise that you lie your head off and deny any attraction to this person)
    -"What made you want to be gay?" (A proper response to this would be a violent physical paddle beating)
    -"Why didn't you TELL ME?" (Answer with: "what am I doing right now?")
    -"Do your parents know?" (if yes, expect "How do they feel?")
    -"I don't have any problems with gay people, as long as they don't hit on me or anything." (respond with some hysterically funny comment about how you would never hit on someone like that person)
    -"I LOVE GAY PEOPLE!" (go into anti-stereotype speech mode)
    -"LET'S GO SHOPPING!!" (go into anti-stereotype speech mode and then go shopping)

    * Anti- stereo- type mode is when you basically let loose screaming that gay people arent handbag wearing pansies..

    * Paddle beating- The typical doggy paddle beating. Slap with the left hand, and then slap with the right hand. Continue in a verticle movement until the recipient is out cold. For best results scream in a high pitched womans voice, during, and after the beating.

    Ty ;D

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006


    You've missed out the harsh insults, it happens to everybody. You can't just shrug those one's off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    sunny Scotland

    Latest Awards:


    Quote Originally Posted by Oasis
    You've missed out the harsh insults, it happens to everybody. You can't just shrug those one's off.
    What he said.
    and I don't get the point in this thread :s

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