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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

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    Default I feel so betrayed.

    my best friend is a *****. i've known him since i was 7 years old and i would gladly crack him on the head.

    Rah. i was at RAF halton on aviation day and i had to guard the bags (when i wasnt ment to) so he was ment to send a guy back (seeing as none of the bags are mine) and he didnt. so i left them. they put wood glue in this kids bottle of coke and i forgot to tell him. damn i hate him.
    and when i went to say why didnt you send him back he was making excuses like "i couldnt find him" when they were stood together.

    but yeh, anyone else's friends/people they know been like this?

    Do you bury me when I'm gone?
    Do you teach me while I'm here?
    Just as soon as I belong, than it's time I disappear - Metallica

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyalAirForce View Post
    my best friend is a *****. i've known him since i was 7 years old and i would gladly crack him on the head.

    Rah. i was at RAF halton on aviation day and i had to guard the bags (when i wasnt ment to) so he was ment to send a guy back (seeing as none of the bags are mine) and he didnt. so i left them. they put wood glue in this kids bottle of coke and i forgot to tell him. damn i hate him.
    and when i went to say why didnt you send him back he was making excuses like "i couldnt find him" when they were stood together.

    but yeh, anyone else's friends/people they know been like this?
    Yup, uset to happen with a group of friends i thought were real 'friends'. It just started off when you wouldn't hear from them from the next weekend to the other, and then when you did see them they'd tell you all about the weekend they had together without inviting you. It happened occasionally to everyone.

    In the end i decided to cut them out completely, and started going with good friends that i never really hanged around with outside of school. Best thing i ever did.
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  3. #3
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    Yeh, im cutting them out aswell. i speak to them often in cadets but now im moving squadrons. so yeh.

    Do you bury me when I'm gone?
    Do you teach me while I'm here?
    Just as soon as I belong, than it's time I disappear - Metallica

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoyalAirForce View Post
    Yeh, im cutting them out aswell. i speak to them often in cadets but now im moving squadrons. so yeh.
    Its the best thing to do to them, i don't bother with them at all anymore, even though they do ring me the odd time, but i always say no.

    Trust me, in the long run it will annoy and affect them more than it will you.
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  5. #5
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    i had a friend who i knew since yr 2 and in yr 7 he left our school. during yr 6 & 7 we always gave him stuff to eat like crisps, chocolate etc. at lunch just being generous and when it came to him sharing stuff,he was like sorry i dont have enough, even though when he said that he never even opened his food. and in yr 7 i asked him if he wanted to go to alton towers hotel with me and my family as i was allowed a friend. he didnt seemed as if he wanted to go but his dad said he should go. so he went, enjoyed himself and when we dropped him off he didnt even say thank you or anything. just totally rude. and always made up lies and that i was was saying that his other friend was racist to his sister (they r chinese) and that the other friend called his sister racist names. but the other friend actually did and i was like *** :@

    so during summer hols in yr 7 i just told him what i thought of him and that if he ever spoke to me again he would regret it. now he goes to the same school as me in yr 10 and he hasnt said a word to me since.

    did that make sense? lmao it made sense in my head.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirrty View Post
    i had a friend who i knew since yr 2 and in yr 7 he left our school. during yr 6 & 7 we always gave him stuff to eat like crisps, chocolate etc. at lunch just being generous and when it came to him sharing stuff,he was like sorry i dont have enough, even though when he said that he never even opened his food. and in yr 7 i asked him if he wanted to go to alton towers hotel with me and my family as i was allowed a friend. he didnt seemed as if he wanted to go but his dad said he should go. so he went, enjoyed himself and when we dropped him off he didnt even say thank you or anything. just totally rude. and always made up lies and that i was was saying that his other friend was racist to his sister (they r chinese) and that the other friend called his sister racist names. but the other friend actually did and i was like *** :@

    so during summer hols in yr 7 i just told him what i thought of him and that if he ever spoke to me again he would regret it. now he goes to the same school as me in yr 10 and he hasnt said a word to me since.

    did that make sense? lmao it made sense in my head.
    Made sense to me. And a couple of my old friends were like that too. It was all take, take, take at every given oppurtunity.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lµke View Post
    Made sense to me. And a couple of my old friends were like that too. It was all take, take, take at every given oppurtunity.
    yh it really annoys me when people are like that. they expect everything in the world but when it comes to them giving, no wayy. so i just dont bother now. only do stuff like that to my true friends, but i assumed he was, but i was wrong. and im happy we are not friends anyway because his mum didnt like me because i accidentally broke his arm when we were all messing around lol

  8. #8
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    The joys of leaving school at yr 11 lol. =] And starting college to get new friends tbh.

    Some of mine were like that after the prom i'm ditchin them

  9. #9
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    I have a group of friends i ******* love to death cause we always there for each other n **** but there is one girl that trys to use me n **** cause i always have the best lollies and i always have ciggis so shes trys to manipulate me into givin her them. i just tell her to **** off and buy her own cause she CAN afford it.
    now she hates me cause i dont give her anything but i dont care cause shes a scab and i never liked her from the beginning but shes in our group and i aint movn jsut ccause shes thr. suck it up!
    I am;

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  10. #10
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    I only have a few real good friends. Sometimes, I make new friends, but they sometimes get irritating too. Like once when I went out with someone, he was trying to act cool with my friends making fun of me etc.

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