Appledoe is the new Habbo SG Hotel Manager!

lynx to terrorise the show business in the New Year. Apple flavoured pretzels served hot, coming up next.
As was announced last week, our dear lynx will be moving on to lend her skills to another sector. Rest assured, she'll still pop into Habbo to say hi.
With her departure, we are pleased to announce that Appledoe will be filling the Hotel Manager hot seat. Appledoe's one of our longest standing staff members. Habbos ancient enough may reminisce about her in the days when policemen wore shorts and she had the prefix "MOD-" in front of her name.
She's been a key part of organising activities in Habbo all this while and is now excited to be taking up new challenges.
But in 2008, the number of events we're running only looks to increase. To manage all the Habbo-run activities as well as that of our partners, she needs an extremely capable person to handle events.
We are pleased to announce that the position will be filled by The Habbo Formerly Known as MOD-Pretzel. We couldn't find a symbol curly enough, so Pretzel will have to do.
Many will know Pretzel to be warm and a good listener. Much like the real, baked product actually... Anyway, she's uniquely qualified to be our new Entertainment Director, and we're really pleased to have her on board.
Please join me in congratulating both of them by spamming the following homepage guestbooks: Appledoe, Pretzel, lynx
Finally, in the spirit of the season, I'd like to congratulate YOU for having made it through another year. All the best for 2008 and eat more ice cream today.

Yours Faithfully,
Cheshire Cat
General Manager,
Habbo SG/MY