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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Need some serious advice.

    First of all sorry if i posted in wrong part of the forum.

    Anyway i could really do with some advice it would be really helpful coming from anyone at all as i am so unsure of what to do.

    Basically, i have just started to do media at college. Yeh its alright ive made some really good friends just not what i thought it would be. I mean i don't know what i could expect it to be but i think ive realised media is not where my passion lies. Its MUSIC. I have a huge passion for music and absolutely adore singing and been playing guitar for about 6 months. Its what makes me feel happy. I get such a buzz from it and i just keep thinking to myself why am i letting a opportunity slide away. I feel as though it has made me a alot more depressed because i feel that everything isn't possible and i just want to be happy and if i make a mistake at the end of the course then at least i can say hey i tried its something i had a passion for.

    Your probably thinking why not just do music then? I feel as though im constantly having to please people and yes its my life and i should do what i want to do but i feel i cannot.

    It started off last week me not realising that media wasnt for me. Ive known that for a long time but there is so many pathways you can from media as musics very limited. I then decided to go up to my school see if i could do music and travel and tourism. That way i could do what i have a passion for and have plenty of options. I would love to sing on a cruise ship or play the guitar. Not that simple, the school rang me yesterday and said that the music course is full but travel and tourism is still open to do. Great sorta defeating the object why i wanted to come back. I went up to college and found i can only do one course at a time if its BTEC. which is what they only offer. I want to give my self abit of options otherwise ill end up staying in education for a long time or not being able to get a job. So ive been told i can only do one thing or another and no part time courses and can only do a course at school that to be honnest really not that fussed on just want it to be able to link together with something i love.

    I've waffled on enough.

    HELP. ;/

    Thread moved by Apple (Trialist Forum Moderator): From "Health, Life and Relationships" as I feel it is more suited here.
    Last edited by Apple; 09-10-2010 at 12:02 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

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    There are a few options you could take. It just depends on how willing you are to do them.

    You could stay with media, then do the music course afterwards. Technically this isn't too bad as its only really another 2-3 years, or more if you go part-time, to which you will have additional options if you do (such as gaining a better job while continuing part-time education).

    I don't know if this is possible or if they even exist, but at degree level there are what is called "Dual Honours" Degrees, where essentially you are doing to courses side-by-side, and are considered one qualification, but you techinically get two degrees out of it. You could see if your college has an option like this, like a Dual BTEC and try to change over to that (But just to say I've got NO idea if this even exists).

    You could look around at other colleges to see if they do a course which you want or offers you the chance to attend two courses. It might mean having to drop out if you can't transfer and might mean either catching up, or starting out next year. But it is an option that could work for you if your college doesn't offer something you want.

    There are no doubt many more options, but I cant really think of them as its 1am and I'm exhausted .

    I'll just say this as a final thing. A course doesn't really last as long as you might think, its only a few years, and the more qualifications you have, the better chance of you getting a job you actually want. Explore as many options as you can before making a final decision.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    i just wish i could do the two togeather its really mucked up what i wanted to do. Thankyou for the advice x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

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    Narissa, you say media has many options, which is true.
    But have you thought you could use your music passion to an advantage if you stick with media?
    Look at the benefits of media, graphic designers, journalism, film directors etc.
    I'm sure for a part of your coursework you will have to construct either a film trailer or a music video of some sort maybe, so why not use your music in that? Seems simple enough, it would then enable you to have less time in college. Also, there maybe a music club in school or around your local area.

    However, if you really want a degree in music, the best option I can give is to try and switch colleges.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

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    i did media for 2 years, it was more useless than graphic products, learnt nothing what i thought i would.

    In media i learned conventions of movies, yes this is what media is but i was looking for the advertising side of things.

    Graphics products i thought was CAD/CAM but instead turned out to be more powerpoint/card board models of point of sales than anything.

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