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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

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    Default Little Advertisement.. whatcha thinkkk?

    Well I don't do a lot of designing (surprisingly since my firm handles logos and artwork for many different companies).. so I barely get to throw something together myself...

    Haha, for those of you that have known me since day 1, know that my designing skills are very minimal... but I think I've improved quite a bit, and think that this turned out pretty well...

    Let's get some C+C.. I think the color really flows together, maybe I'm just being biased.. but I kinda like it.. probably some grammar issues since this is just a sample.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dentafrice View Post
    Well I don't do a lot of designing (surprisingly since my firm handles logos and artwork for many different companies).. so I barely get to throw something together myself...

    Haha, for those of you that have known me since day 1, know that my designing skills are very minimal... but I think I've improved quite a bit, and think that this turned out pretty well...

    Let's get some C+C.. I think the color really flows together, maybe I'm just being biased.. but I kinda like it.. probably some grammar issues since this is just a sample.

    you shouldve stuck to coding

    but nah, its alright, just depends on what you were going for. Even just a small gradient or some sort of glow effect on the background would be perhaps make it a bit better. Maybe pop the text a bit (maybe just the title) with a shiney effect. just switch on gradient overlay and reduce opacity of colour fill to a bit until it looks nice?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

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    Looks to cluttered with too much text and I dislike the font.

    That's just my opinion though



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