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Results 1 to 5 of 5
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Default Question About Fountain

    Hey I just came back to habbo after several years. My friend had quit habbo and gave me this item a few days ago im not sure what its worth I was told from 100c-300c? I was wondering if you guys could help me out in finding the value of this item. "Fountain". Its not on the list either when I search for rares.

    Hey I just received this item from a friend. I cant find the value anywhere also its faded out in my inventory so I cant even put it in the market? Ive been offered 2gbs but I dont know what its worth and I cant find the value. Can someone help me please!

    moderator alert Posts merged by Calum0812 (Forum Super Moderator)
    Last edited by Calum0812; 25-12-2014 at 05:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

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    hey, you can get a good idea on prices through the marketplace section on the catalogue (alternatively click sell on marketplace when you select the furni from your inventory, and it'll come up with the recent average). if it is the fountain i'm thinking of (takes up 4 spaces, church/gothic looking, blue water, beige stone) then they do tend to sell for quite a bit, and a price of 100c+ seems reasonable.

    i'm not online to check the prices but just make sure to check the marketplace for the average, the current lowest selling price and the recent stats (e.g. if any have been sold mega high/low). best of luck selling if you're interested anyway.

  3. #3


    For some reason I can't post it in the market it fades out but I can trade it ?

    When I try to post this into the market it is faded out the picture in my inventory is faded out So I can not even put into market... but for some strange reason I can still trade it?
    Last edited by Calum0812; 26-12-2014 at 01:51 PM.

  4. #4
    DJ_Shadow's Avatar
    DJ_Shadow is offline Ultra Rare Trade Forum Owner
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    They don't appear on the market as much as they used to. There is one in the market currently listed for 185c (overpriced), the average is 121c.

    Hope this helps

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

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    I managed to sell the 3 of mine for 140 Credits each a few weeks ago. This has probably changed a little now, but I'd guess not by much!

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